Uber Price Cuts

How will this affect drivers?

Yesterday, Uber announced price cuts in 48 cities around the US.

This might be good news. According to Uber, the move lowers the average price per trip but increases the average number of trips you make per hour.

In fact, in these 48 cities Uber guarantees you'll do better: "We’re so confident in the earnings gains drivers will see that we’re making earnings guarantees in every city where we’re cutting prices. "

Monitor how the price cuts affect your earnings

On the new SherpaShare dashboard simply check the time window you want to compare and compare either by earnings or by earnings per hour (if you're tracking hours). You can also compare to your city average.

Here's the example Uber gives from Chicago:

Uber Price Cuts

These prices became in affect today in 48 cities around the US.

We're encouraging you to monitor your earning changes here at SherpaShare.

Uber rate cuts and SherpaShare cities

See how your December compares to your January in minutes, on your free SherpaShare dashboard.

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uber, rate cuts, price cuts, sherpashare, income, earnings

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