Map: 65% earning from 2 or more platforms

Initial results from the Sherpa national survey

Last week we asked Sherpa users to share what other services and platforms they've earned income from. After 150 responses, here's a map of the initial results. It turns out 65% of you have earned from 2 or more platforms! And 15% of you are earning from 3 or more services. Platforms include Lyft, Uber, Sidecar, Hitch, Summon, Airbnb, Postmates, TaskRabbit, and Instacart.

You can see average earnings by city via SherpaShare CityMetrics. Average earnings available for 150+ cities. You'll need to login/signup for a free account, choose your city, and click CityMetrics

sharing, platforms, lyft, uber, sidecar, hitch, summon, airbnb, postmates, taskrabbit, instacart

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